22 12, 2018

DIY Teeth Whitening

By |December 22nd, 2018|Teeth Whitening Service|0 Comments

Radiant white teeth are a timeless sign of beauty. Unfortunately, most people aren't blessed with a natural Hollywood smile. This makes teeth whitening treatments very popular. Dentists offer professional whitening options, but people frequently choose to try do-it-yourself methods instead. DIY methods are appealing because they're inexpensive and seem simple. Unfortunately, many at- home whitening [...]

22 12, 2018

Who Needs Dental Implants?

By |December 22nd, 2018|Dental Implants Periodontist|Comments Off on Who Needs Dental Implants?

Clinical studies on dental health conducted over the past five decades place the success rate of dental implant treatment at well over 95 percent. Dentists and other professionals, therefore, rely heavily on the different types of implants to treat some of the most common dental problems. The fact that more than 3 million people in [...]

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