Clinical studies on dental health conducted over the past five decades place the success rate of
dental implant treatment at well over 95 percent. Dentists and other professionals, therefore, rely
heavily on the different types of implants to treat some of the most common dental problems. The
fact that more than 3 million people in the United States have dental implants also indicates that
the popularity of the treatment option has gained pace over the years. But who needs dental

1. Individuals with cracked or broken tooth
What happens when you have a cracked or broken tooth? The dentist will in most cases turn to the
dental crown, commonly referred to as a dental cap, to address the problem. The crown is then
expertly mounted on the broken or cracked tooth to fill up for the missing part. Extensive cracks
and severe breakages can, however, make it impossible to use the crowns. In such a case, the
dentist may be forced to remove the remaining part of the teeth and use a dental implant instead.

2. After tooth removal
You will also need a dental implant after tooth removal. Note that a properly infixed teeth within
the dental structure do more than just help with the chewing. They help maintain the integrity of
the dental and facial bone structure. The front teeth also play a critical role in improving the
aesthetic appeal of your smile. Replacing a tooth with an implant after its removal, therefore, goes
a long way in helping regain your confidence through a perfect smile while preventing bone loss.

3. Individuals with infected teeth
If you have an infected tooth, you may also be a candidate for dental implants. This, however,
depends to a large extent on the nature of the infection. After a careful examination of the extent
of the infection, especially in the case of bacterial infections, the dentist may conclude on tooth
removal as the only viable treatment option. For instance, if the nature of the infection makes it
possible for the tooth to infect either the jaw or the surrounding teeth, the dentist may recommend
its removal and replacement with an implant.

4. A person with weak or missing teeth
Some dental infections and accidents may result in weak or missing teeth that result in eating and
speech problems. In such a case the dentist will often recommend replacing the missing tooth or
teeth with dental implants. If the teeth are, however, falling out due to a weakened bone mass, the
dentist will recommend a delayed dental implant. This involves fortifying the gums with bone grafts
from other parts of the body and only performing the implanting the crown after the bone is

Bottom line

You can tell when you need a dental implant by having a professional check on the condition of
your teeth. In most cases, any problem, whether an infection or accident, that results in teeth loss
or irreparable damage to the whole or a significant portion of the tooth often warrants an implant.
The advantages of the implant include having restored smile as well as the ability to chew and
speak normally.